Hey, everybody!! This is what this week looks like:
Tuesday: Interval Training at 5:45 at Leon's Track. Pam Alonso, one of our TNT Alumni friends, will be there collecting food for "Can the Lion" for the Second Harvest Food Bank. The can drive is taking place from November 10 through November 21. Please bring as many cans of food as you like for an excellent cause. Questions: E-mail Pam at palonso4@comcast.net
Wednesday: Time is short these days for some, so I'll be throwing out some lunchtime runs. Meet at Tom Brown Park for 5 miles on the trails. E-mail me if you're interested, I'll have a meeting time by Tuesday afternoon.
Wednesday: Meet at Southwood Community Center at 6 p.m. for 5 miles
Thursday: Meet at Winthrop Park at 6 p.m. for 5 miles down Trescott. Bring a flashlight with you - the streetlights aren't close enough together to help much and please also wear very light clothing. The cars can't see us and they certainly aren't slowing down much.
Saturday: Ok, now you know why you only ran 10 miles last week. . . this Saturday we're doing a 16 miler. Meet at Forest Meadows at 8 a.m. for 16 miles. We'll do Phipps twice, then run the Forest Meadows loop once. I know this sounds totally crazy, but its the best we can do for 16 miles. We need one big cooler or two smaller ones in the parking lot for our 3 loops. Speak up if you would like to volunteer! And thanks in advance.
Sunday: Meet at 7 a.m. at the Leon County Animal Shelter to run 7 flat miles on the asphalt bike trail if you're doing Goofy training. If you're sane and only doing a 1/2 or a full, then you get to sleep in :) Eight weeks to go to Disney!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Static Stretching vs. Dynamic Stretching
Great video on the benefits of stretching from the New York Times. Check it out!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Running the week of November 3rd
Hi everybody!
This is what this week looks like:
Tuesday: Speed work at 6 p.m. at Leon High School's Track
Wednesday: Meet at 6 p.m. at the Community Center in Southwood for 6 miles around the lake. If you're nervous about the dark, bring a flashlight. . . . the street lights are probably enough, but it might be a good idea to have back- up.
Thursday: Meet at 6 p.m. at Winthrop Park for 6 miles through the Betton Hills neighborhood.
Saturday: Meet at 8 a.m. at the St. Mark Trail Head for 14 miles. We all could use a little flat running after Boston and C'ville Road, dontcha think? We need two coolers - please let me know if you can put one out. Holler if you're coming so we have enough.
Sunday: Meet at 7:30 a.m. at Forest Meadows for five miles around the big loop. Guess trails are for weekends now!
The Morning Maniacs are running at these times and places:
Tuesday: 5:30am at Premier for about 4-5 miles
Wednesday: Circle K at 5:00 am to run the limerick route- 4 miles
Thursday: Circle K at 5:00 am to run Forsythe loop- 5 miles (Becky won't be there so can someone put out water?)
Saturday: 14 miles - still undecided. Becky is taking requests, please e-mail her if you're into running at 4:30 in the morning bjajhar@embarqmail.com.
10 weeks to Disney!
This is what this week looks like:
Tuesday: Speed work at 6 p.m. at Leon High School's Track
Wednesday: Meet at 6 p.m. at the Community Center in Southwood for 6 miles around the lake. If you're nervous about the dark, bring a flashlight. . . . the street lights are probably enough, but it might be a good idea to have back- up.
Thursday: Meet at 6 p.m. at Winthrop Park for 6 miles through the Betton Hills neighborhood.
Saturday: Meet at 8 a.m. at the St. Mark Trail Head for 14 miles. We all could use a little flat running after Boston and C'ville Road, dontcha think? We need two coolers - please let me know if you can put one out. Holler if you're coming so we have enough.
Sunday: Meet at 7:30 a.m. at Forest Meadows for five miles around the big loop. Guess trails are for weekends now!
The Morning Maniacs are running at these times and places:
Tuesday: 5:30am at Premier for about 4-5 miles
Wednesday: Circle K at 5:00 am to run the limerick route- 4 miles
Thursday: Circle K at 5:00 am to run Forsythe loop- 5 miles (Becky won't be there so can someone put out water?)
Saturday: 14 miles - still undecided. Becky is taking requests, please e-mail her if you're into running at 4:30 in the morning bjajhar@embarqmail.com.
10 weeks to Disney!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Running the week of October 27th
Hey there, runners! Welcome back, Marine Corp Marathoners. Everybody did really great and everyone crossed that beautiful finish line! Congratulations and GREAT JOB to Berinice, Cathy, Chuck, Ellen, Jerry, Kirsten and Tiffany.
You guys get to take a load off for a while. The rest of us, not so much! Here's what the week looks like:
Tuesday: Speed work with Chuck (how fast will you run, Chuck?) at Leon High at 6 p.m. Emma and I plan to run 3 miles around the track, join us for "non-speedy running" if you like.
Wednesday: I'm running at home - come over if you like.
Thursday: Meet at Tom Brown at 6 p.m. for 6 miles on trails.
Saturday: Meet at 7:00 a.m. at Bradley's for a 10 - 12 mile run out old Centerville Road. If you want more or less miles, its easy to do. . . . its an out and back. Please let me know if you would like to volunteer a cooler - we need three. And yes, I know its early and it might be dark, but we'll live. At least its nice and cool!
Sunday: Meet at Winthrop Park at 4:30 p.m. for 3 easy miles.
You guys get to take a load off for a while. The rest of us, not so much! Here's what the week looks like:
Tuesday: Speed work with Chuck (how fast will you run, Chuck?) at Leon High at 6 p.m. Emma and I plan to run 3 miles around the track, join us for "non-speedy running" if you like.
Wednesday: I'm running at home - come over if you like.
Thursday: Meet at Tom Brown at 6 p.m. for 6 miles on trails.
Saturday: Meet at 7:00 a.m. at Bradley's for a 10 - 12 mile run out old Centerville Road. If you want more or less miles, its easy to do. . . . its an out and back. Please let me know if you would like to volunteer a cooler - we need three. And yes, I know its early and it might be dark, but we'll live. At least its nice and cool!
Sunday: Meet at Winthrop Park at 4:30 p.m. for 3 easy miles.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Running the week of October 13th
First of all, CONGRATULATIONS to Aubrey and Vicky for a fabulous Chicago Marathon. Aubrey's time was 5:32:35 and Vicky's was 5:07:17. Fantastic times for first marathons, ladies!!! Have you got the fever yet!?
This is what the week looks like:
Tuesday: Speed work at Leon High. The Tallahassee Democrat is doing a story on TNT and is sending a photographer out to speed work to photograph this year's Disney team. Chuck has asked that TNT Alumni please also come and wear your TNT gear - singlets, T-shirts and/or hats. You might be in pictures, baby!
Note: Last week the schedule had a middle school game at Leon and it wasn't correct. If anybody has any information about a game at Leon on Tuesday's, please let us know so we can come up with an alternate plan. Thanks!
Wednesday: Meet at 6 o'clock to run the top loop at Forest Meadows twice for 3- 4 miles. Reminder: Kim Ortloff is speaking at Premier Gym at 7:30 Wednesday night on how to reduce, recover and prevent nagging painful injuries - looks like something we can all use!
Thursday: Meet at 6 o'clock to run 5ish miles at Tom Brown Park.
Saturday (revised): Meet at 7:00 a.m. at the Community Center in Southwood to run 10 - 12 miles in the neighborhood. I'm out of town this weekend, so John Rabba is Long Run Master. Please contact him and let him know if you can do a cooler. John's e-mail is rabbadabbadoo@aol.com
Sunday: Meet at 5 p.m. at Winthrop Park to run an easy 3 miles to the end of Trescott at back. Goofy people. . .this is what its all about! Running on tired legs!
The Countdown:
Two weeks to Marine Corp
Thirteen weeks to Disney
This is what the week looks like:
Tuesday: Speed work at Leon High. The Tallahassee Democrat is doing a story on TNT and is sending a photographer out to speed work to photograph this year's Disney team. Chuck has asked that TNT Alumni please also come and wear your TNT gear - singlets, T-shirts and/or hats. You might be in pictures, baby!
Note: Last week the schedule had a middle school game at Leon and it wasn't correct. If anybody has any information about a game at Leon on Tuesday's, please let us know so we can come up with an alternate plan. Thanks!
Wednesday: Meet at 6 o'clock to run the top loop at Forest Meadows twice for 3- 4 miles. Reminder: Kim Ortloff is speaking at Premier Gym at 7:30 Wednesday night on how to reduce, recover and prevent nagging painful injuries - looks like something we can all use!
Thursday: Meet at 6 o'clock to run 5ish miles at Tom Brown Park.
Saturday (revised): Meet at 7:00 a.m. at the Community Center in Southwood to run 10 - 12 miles in the neighborhood. I'm out of town this weekend, so John Rabba is Long Run Master. Please contact him and let him know if you can do a cooler. John's e-mail is rabbadabbadoo@aol.com
Sunday: Meet at 5 p.m. at Winthrop Park to run an easy 3 miles to the end of Trescott at back. Goofy people. . .this is what its all about! Running on tired legs!
The Countdown:
Two weeks to Marine Corp
Thirteen weeks to Disney
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Pine Run Directions
The Pine Run 20k at Tall Timbers is set for October 11th! The race organizers promise us a beautiful run that day, hope you can make it.
Directions to the race:
To get to Tall Timbers, from I-10 take Thomasville Road about 12.6 miles north to CR 12, then turn left (west), go another 2.7 miles, turn left into Tall Timbers (big sign) on Henry Beadel Drive (just past Iamonia Landing Road on your left) and follow the dirt road in about 250 yards.
Alternatively, you can drive north on North Meridian Road, 9.8 miles from Forest Meadows, turn right (east) onto CR 12, follow for about 3.3 mi, turn right into Tall Timbers (big sign) on Henry Beadel Drive (just past the old WCTV facility on your left).
Directions to the race:
To get to Tall Timbers, from I-10 take Thomasville Road about 12.6 miles north to CR 12, then turn left (west), go another 2.7 miles, turn left into Tall Timbers (big sign) on Henry Beadel Drive (just past Iamonia Landing Road on your left) and follow the dirt road in about 250 yards.
Alternatively, you can drive north on North Meridian Road, 9.8 miles from Forest Meadows, turn right (east) onto CR 12, follow for about 3.3 mi, turn right into Tall Timbers (big sign) on Henry Beadel Drive (just past the old WCTV facility on your left).
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Goofy Traning
Disney Marathon Weekend is just fifteen weeks away now!! Its really here and its time to get busy, we're training for real. Really for real. And if you're running Goofy, then oh baby its time to get serious!
If you look on my Goofy training plan you'll see that we've started doing back-to-back weekend long runs. Its hard, I know. I did my first last weekend, and the first mile on Sunday was pretty rough. Mentally, I was all done after Saturday's long run, so on Sunday it was hard to make myself go.
I've done some reading on training for extra long distances (especially on pavement) and everything I've read says that you have to teach your body to "run tired." The bones and muscles have to get used to all that time on your feet and the only way to do it is to back-to-back runs. Here's part of an article I found from a coach in Arizona on training for Goofy:
Though your total mileage should remain similar to any marathon preparation, where you place your runs in the week needs to be tweaked. Build into your training “long weekends.” Run a long run on Saturday and come back with another one on Sunday. For example, run 18 on Saturday and run 12 on Sunday (or whatever other two consecutive days of the week you choose).
Do some double workout days. By running twice in a day you train your body to run while tired (essential for this event), mentally cope with short recovery and repeated effort (essential for this event), and simultaneously allow you to practice pre-run & recovery diets. Run 10 miles in the morning and 10 in the evening for instance. Try running the morning session faster than the second… and vice versa.
The entire article is here: http://coachjoeenglish.wordpress.com/2008/08/04/goofy-challenge-training-part-ii/ This guy has his races backwards, he says the full is on Sat, half on Sunday, but the advice is the same.
If you look on my Goofy training plan you'll see that we've started doing back-to-back weekend long runs. Its hard, I know. I did my first last weekend, and the first mile on Sunday was pretty rough. Mentally, I was all done after Saturday's long run, so on Sunday it was hard to make myself go.
I've done some reading on training for extra long distances (especially on pavement) and everything I've read says that you have to teach your body to "run tired." The bones and muscles have to get used to all that time on your feet and the only way to do it is to back-to-back runs. Here's part of an article I found from a coach in Arizona on training for Goofy:
Though your total mileage should remain similar to any marathon preparation, where you place your runs in the week needs to be tweaked. Build into your training “long weekends.” Run a long run on Saturday and come back with another one on Sunday. For example, run 18 on Saturday and run 12 on Sunday (or whatever other two consecutive days of the week you choose).
Do some double workout days. By running twice in a day you train your body to run while tired (essential for this event), mentally cope with short recovery and repeated effort (essential for this event), and simultaneously allow you to practice pre-run & recovery diets. Run 10 miles in the morning and 10 in the evening for instance. Try running the morning session faster than the second… and vice versa.
The entire article is here: http://coachjoeenglish.wordpress.com/2008/08/04/goofy-challenge-training-part-ii/ This guy has his races backwards, he says the full is on Sat, half on Sunday, but the advice is the same.
Running the week of September 29th
Here's my schedule for this week's runs:
Tuesday: Chuck is out of town, so Berinice will be leading us at speed work this week. Meet at Leon's Track at 6 p.m. for four 1200's in pairs. Again and again folks have said that they're PRing in races thanks to speed work. If you want to be stronger, better, faster come give it a try! And it really is fun, I promise.
Wednesday: I'm running 3 miles at home, come join me if you like.
Thursday: Meet at Tom Brown Park for 6 miles on the trail. We had a great group last week - 20 or so. If you missed it, please join us!
Saturday: The Goofy schedule calls for 14 miles this Saturday, but next weekend is the Pine Run so I'm reversing my weeks. This means I'll do a five mile run on Saturday. Meet at Forest Meadows parking lot at 7:30 a.m. to do the big loop at Phipps, and bring your own water and G'aid.
Sunday: Meet at Winthrop Park at 2:30 p.m. to run three miles to the end of Trescott Drive and back. Bring your own water/G'aid.
NOTE: These weekly e-mails are simply the plan that I've come up for my own Goofy training. If these times and places don't work for you, feel free anytime to set up your own runs. Its all about what works for you!
The countdown:
Two weeks to Chicago (its almost here, ladies!!!)
Four weeks to Marne Corp
Fifteen weeks to Disney
Tuesday: Chuck is out of town, so Berinice will be leading us at speed work this week. Meet at Leon's Track at 6 p.m. for four 1200's in pairs. Again and again folks have said that they're PRing in races thanks to speed work. If you want to be stronger, better, faster come give it a try! And it really is fun, I promise.
Wednesday: I'm running 3 miles at home, come join me if you like.
Thursday: Meet at Tom Brown Park for 6 miles on the trail. We had a great group last week - 20 or so. If you missed it, please join us!
Saturday: The Goofy schedule calls for 14 miles this Saturday, but next weekend is the Pine Run so I'm reversing my weeks. This means I'll do a five mile run on Saturday. Meet at Forest Meadows parking lot at 7:30 a.m. to do the big loop at Phipps, and bring your own water and G'aid.
Sunday: Meet at Winthrop Park at 2:30 p.m. to run three miles to the end of Trescott Drive and back. Bring your own water/G'aid.
NOTE: These weekly e-mails are simply the plan that I've come up for my own Goofy training. If these times and places don't work for you, feel free anytime to set up your own runs. Its all about what works for you!
The countdown:
Two weeks to Chicago (its almost here, ladies!!!)
Four weeks to Marne Corp
Fifteen weeks to Disney
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Running the week of September 22nd
Yay for cooler weather! I do love summertime, but oh boy, its so much easier to run in this nice cool weather, eh!?
This is what this week's running looks like:
Tuesday: Speed work at Leon High School Track at 6 p.m. Questions about speedwork? Don't be shy, e-mail me or Chuck at Chuck.Davis@anixter.com
Wednesday: I'm running at home. . . and the invitation is always open to join me if you want to come over.
Thursday: Meet at 6 p.m. at the Leon County Animal Shelter in Tom Brown Park for 6 miles on the Cadillac Trail. If you've never run the Cadillac Trail, please do join us. . . . its a beautiful trail that's out and back, so you can always turn around if you've had enough.
Saturday: I'm out of town again, so Jodi Chase has agreed to be the Long Run Diva for this week's long run. My plan calls for 10 miles, Jodi and Jennifer want 15, so you're covered either way. Watch your e-mails for details from Jodi!!
Here's the countdown:
Three weeks to Chicago (Go Vicky and Aubrey!)
Five weeks to Marne Corp (Go Berinice, Jerry, Tiffany, Chuck and Cathy!)
Sixteen weeks to Disney
Happy Running!
This is what this week's running looks like:
Tuesday: Speed work at Leon High School Track at 6 p.m. Questions about speedwork? Don't be shy, e-mail me or Chuck at Chuck.Davis@anixter.com
Wednesday: I'm running at home. . . and the invitation is always open to join me if you want to come over.
Thursday: Meet at 6 p.m. at the Leon County Animal Shelter in Tom Brown Park for 6 miles on the Cadillac Trail. If you've never run the Cadillac Trail, please do join us. . . . its a beautiful trail that's out and back, so you can always turn around if you've had enough.
Saturday: I'm out of town again, so Jodi Chase has agreed to be the Long Run Diva for this week's long run. My plan calls for 10 miles, Jodi and Jennifer want 15, so you're covered either way. Watch your e-mails for details from Jodi!!
Here's the countdown:
Three weeks to Chicago (Go Vicky and Aubrey!)
Five weeks to Marne Corp (Go Berinice, Jerry, Tiffany, Chuck and Cathy!)
Sixteen weeks to Disney
Happy Running!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Spirit of the Marthon is on DVD

Announcing the release of "Spirit of the Marathon" on DVD!
Image Entertainment Inc., a leading worldwide distributor of home entertainment, has announced the October 7, 2008 DVD release of the highly anticipated running documentary “Spirit of the Marathon”. Pre-orders will begin September 10th at http://www.marathonmovie.com/. Available for a limited time, get your Director's signed copy!
The 102 minute film presented in its original 1.78:1 widescreen aspect ratio will include English and Spanish subtitles, the film’s original six-minute trailer and “Marathon in the Making: The Making of Spirit of the Marathon” featurette.
Image Entertainment Inc., a leading worldwide distributor of home entertainment, has announced the October 7, 2008 DVD release of the highly anticipated running documentary “Spirit of the Marathon”. Pre-orders will begin September 10th at http://www.marathonmovie.com/. Available for a limited time, get your Director's signed copy!
The 102 minute film presented in its original 1.78:1 widescreen aspect ratio will include English and Spanish subtitles, the film’s original six-minute trailer and “Marathon in the Making: The Making of Spirit of the Marathon” featurette.
Executive Produced by three-time Academy Award winner Mark Jonathon Harris and directed by filmmaker/marathoner Jon Dunham, “Spirit of the Marathon” captures the diverse stories of six individuals taking on the legendary 26.2-mile running event. From first-time charity runners to the world’s elite, crossing the finish line is a life changing moment; the final step on an inspirational journey of perseverance and personal triumph.
Also now available
"Spirit of the Marathon" Soundtrack on CD or iTunes
"Spirit of the Marathon" Shirts and Hats
"Spirit of the Marathon" Movie Poster
"Spirit of the Marathon" DVD Multi-Packs - Buy more and save!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Running the week of September 8th
Hope everybody had a great week last week out there running and getting ready for all the races. This week looks like this:
Tuesday: Speed work at Leon's Track at 6 p.m. We're always there, rain or shine! I plan to add one extra mile afterwards if anybody is interested.
Wednesday: Chuck will be meeting his new Disney TNT Team at 6 p.m. at the Myers Park pool to run part of the Springtime Tallahassee route. He wanted me to let you know that you're welcome to join him, the more the merrier!!
Thursday: Meet at the Edenfield Road parking area at 6 p.m. to run the Miccosukee Greenway (5 miles). If you've never run at Miccosukee Greenway before, come on out. Its part trail in the woods and part rolling hills in open fields. Its just challenging enough to make it interesting. E-mail if you need directions.
Saturday: Vicky Verano is the Long Run Diva this weekend, I'm out of town. She is doing her 20-miler, please come out to run part of it with her and cheer her on. I think the Marine Corp folks are running some extra long miles as well. Watch your e-mails this week, Vicky will be e-mailing the list with the final plans. If you have questions about the weekend long run, please feel free to contact her: vickyellow@comcast.net. The Disney Plan calls for 8 miles so I'll be doing mine on the beach and thinking about you!!!!
Seventeen weeks to go! Happy Running everyone.
Tuesday: Speed work at Leon's Track at 6 p.m. We're always there, rain or shine! I plan to add one extra mile afterwards if anybody is interested.
Wednesday: Chuck will be meeting his new Disney TNT Team at 6 p.m. at the Myers Park pool to run part of the Springtime Tallahassee route. He wanted me to let you know that you're welcome to join him, the more the merrier!!
Thursday: Meet at the Edenfield Road parking area at 6 p.m. to run the Miccosukee Greenway (5 miles). If you've never run at Miccosukee Greenway before, come on out. Its part trail in the woods and part rolling hills in open fields. Its just challenging enough to make it interesting. E-mail if you need directions.
Saturday: Vicky Verano is the Long Run Diva this weekend, I'm out of town. She is doing her 20-miler, please come out to run part of it with her and cheer her on. I think the Marine Corp folks are running some extra long miles as well. Watch your e-mails this week, Vicky will be e-mailing the list with the final plans. If you have questions about the weekend long run, please feel free to contact her: vickyellow@comcast.net. The Disney Plan calls for 8 miles so I'll be doing mine on the beach and thinking about you!!!!
Seventeen weeks to go! Happy Running everyone.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Running the week of September 1st
Hello, runners! I know the couch is sucking you in, but its time to move that body. We have just 18 weeks now to the Disney Marathon, 8 weeks to Marine Corp and 6 weeks to Chicago Marathon. And 8 weeks to the Boston Mini-Marathon. Its a great half marathon in tiny Boston, GA and a great way to get a flavor for just how long a 1/2 marathon is. Now's the time to get movin'!
So, this is what the week looks like:
Tuesday: Speed work at the Leon Track at 6 p.m. with Chuck. Remember, we run rain or shine - lightning and tornadoes will be the only thing to stop us.
Wednesday: I'll be doing hills at Lafeyette Park at 6 p.m. if you'd like to join me. Its a hilly little trail about .6 miles around. I do the loop as fast as possible, rest for a few minutes, then try to beat my time. Four laps around is about all I can handle, but if you're feeling froggy, by all means. . . . .
Thursday: Meet at Forest Meadows for 5 miles at 6 p.m.
Saturday: Meet at 7 a.m. at Another Broken Egg parking lot for 10 miles in Killearn Lakes. I'll put a cooler out at WCTV, please let us know you're coming and if you feel the running love, sign up to put a cooler out. We need at least two more.
So, this is what the week looks like:
Tuesday: Speed work at the Leon Track at 6 p.m. with Chuck. Remember, we run rain or shine - lightning and tornadoes will be the only thing to stop us.
Wednesday: I'll be doing hills at Lafeyette Park at 6 p.m. if you'd like to join me. Its a hilly little trail about .6 miles around. I do the loop as fast as possible, rest for a few minutes, then try to beat my time. Four laps around is about all I can handle, but if you're feeling froggy, by all means. . . . .
Thursday: Meet at Forest Meadows for 5 miles at 6 p.m.
Saturday: Meet at 7 a.m. at Another Broken Egg parking lot for 10 miles in Killearn Lakes. I'll put a cooler out at WCTV, please let us know you're coming and if you feel the running love, sign up to put a cooler out. We need at least two more.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Running the week of August 25th
Are we dried out yet? Goodness that was some crazy weather. . . . . . but hopefully the sun will come out just a bit this week and we can get in some runs without drowning.
Maclay's website reports that the Forest Meadows trail is closed, they have wash outs and trees down during a regular ol' thunderstorm, so we'll have to pick some alternate places for a while. I'll call Maclay and get a report again later this week. So, this is what it looks like this week.
Tuesday: Speed work at Leon High School's track at 6 p.m. We always run, whether rain or shine!
Wednesday: I plan to run from Winthrop Park at 4 p.m. for 3 miles if anybody would like to join me.
Thursday: I can't make the later run, so there's two options for this day: Southwood for 5 miles at 4 p.m. with Chuck and I - park at the Community Center and we'll run around the lake. Or you can meet Chuck at 6 p.m. at the Edenfield parking area and run the Miccosukee Greenway. If you've never run there, we hope you can come - its very beautiful and challenging.
Saturday: Run at Killearn Lakes at 7 a.m. for 8 miles. Some need many more miles than this, so you may want to send a shout-out for company and for cooler duty. I will put a cooler at the WCTV sign, please let me know if you're coming so we have enough. Meet at Another Broken Egg parking lot, then if you're up for it breakfast at Bagel, Bagel afterwards.
If you need directions (there's lots of folks that have not met us at these locations yet), please give a yell - I'll send you directions.
The countdown: 19 weeks to go to Disney!!
Maclay's website reports that the Forest Meadows trail is closed, they have wash outs and trees down during a regular ol' thunderstorm, so we'll have to pick some alternate places for a while. I'll call Maclay and get a report again later this week. So, this is what it looks like this week.
Tuesday: Speed work at Leon High School's track at 6 p.m. We always run, whether rain or shine!
Wednesday: I plan to run from Winthrop Park at 4 p.m. for 3 miles if anybody would like to join me.
Thursday: I can't make the later run, so there's two options for this day: Southwood for 5 miles at 4 p.m. with Chuck and I - park at the Community Center and we'll run around the lake. Or you can meet Chuck at 6 p.m. at the Edenfield parking area and run the Miccosukee Greenway. If you've never run there, we hope you can come - its very beautiful and challenging.
Saturday: Run at Killearn Lakes at 7 a.m. for 8 miles. Some need many more miles than this, so you may want to send a shout-out for company and for cooler duty. I will put a cooler at the WCTV sign, please let me know if you're coming so we have enough. Meet at Another Broken Egg parking lot, then if you're up for it breakfast at Bagel, Bagel afterwards.
If you need directions (there's lots of folks that have not met us at these locations yet), please give a yell - I'll send you directions.
The countdown: 19 weeks to go to Disney!!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Running the week of Aug 18th
Feeling intimated by all the talk of running? "Running" with our group doesn't mean that you have to "run" at all. You can come out and stroll, power walk, walk/run, jog comfortably, or run at top speed to make a goal. The invitation to "run" can mean anything you like, please don't feel like you have to do all that crazy stuff. Even speed work can be some laps around the track if that's what you want to do - we have all speeds, all types, all kinds!
So, with that, here's the schedule for the week of August 18th:
Tuesday: Speed work at Leon High School track at 6 p.m. Sterling's daughter, Julia is leaving us to go back to school, we'll have dinner with her at Red Elephant after speed work. Hope you can make it, and if you can't make the run, come to dinner anyway and say "till next summer" to Julia.
Wednesday: I'm running at home - anybody is welcome if they want to make the trip over.
Thursday: Let's mix it up a little, shall we? Diana and Kay thought a run/walk at Miccosukee Trailway would fun. Meet at 6 p.m. at the Fleishman Road parking area. DIRECTIONS: Go out Micossukee Road, cross over Capital Circle NE and continue East. At the Fleishmen road traffic light, make a left. Drive past the first neighborhood on your right (Sedona Loop) and then you'll see the dirt parking lot for the park on your right surrounded by a brand new split rail wooden fence. If you make it to Holy Comforter School, you've gone too far by a few hundred yards. Distance will be about 6 miles, but its out and back, so you can certainly make it shorter or longer.
Saturday: I plan to run what used to be Micossukee Madness 8k (now the Miller Landing Madness 8k) Saturday morning. The race, plus the course again will give us 8 miles. Race info here: http://www.gulfwinds.org/ - go to the race calendar for August.
Reminder: Kick off party for Richard's Marathon is a 4 p.m. at Jennifer Winegardner's house. If you haven't sent photos, send them now - I'm working on the slideshow!
So, with that, here's the schedule for the week of August 18th:
Tuesday: Speed work at Leon High School track at 6 p.m. Sterling's daughter, Julia is leaving us to go back to school, we'll have dinner with her at Red Elephant after speed work. Hope you can make it, and if you can't make the run, come to dinner anyway and say "till next summer" to Julia.
Wednesday: I'm running at home - anybody is welcome if they want to make the trip over.
Thursday: Let's mix it up a little, shall we? Diana and Kay thought a run/walk at Miccosukee Trailway would fun. Meet at 6 p.m. at the Fleishman Road parking area. DIRECTIONS: Go out Micossukee Road, cross over Capital Circle NE and continue East. At the Fleishmen road traffic light, make a left. Drive past the first neighborhood on your right (Sedona Loop) and then you'll see the dirt parking lot for the park on your right surrounded by a brand new split rail wooden fence. If you make it to Holy Comforter School, you've gone too far by a few hundred yards. Distance will be about 6 miles, but its out and back, so you can certainly make it shorter or longer.
Saturday: I plan to run what used to be Micossukee Madness 8k (now the Miller Landing Madness 8k) Saturday morning. The race, plus the course again will give us 8 miles. Race info here: http://www.gulfwinds.org/ - go to the race calendar for August.
Reminder: Kick off party for Richard's Marathon is a 4 p.m. at Jennifer Winegardner's house. If you haven't sent photos, send them now - I'm working on the slideshow!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
TNT in San Diego!
I finally got it done!!! Check out this video I made of our most AMAZING season. And make sure your speakers are on - there's music: file:///K:/TNT/DVD/TNT%202008%20video.html 

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