Holy Cow: the 214-Mile Week
How many miles did you run last week? Because a RW.com reader named Jenny racked up 214.
No fooling.

Jenny (pictured here) wrote about her mega-mileage week in a thread on our Discussions board. You can read the details -- including a daily mileage breakdown, highlights/lowlights, and notes on the weather -- in Jenny's thread, here. You may want to print this out and tack it up somewhere prominent; next time you consider skipping an after-work five-miler, just glance at it. Then put your damn shoes on.
Reactions to Jenny's feat, in a separate Discussions thread, include the following, and we quote:
"Holy mackerel!"
"Holy Crap"
"I was wondering who took all my miles. Wowzers."
"I ran 11 miles this week"
"Son of a...whoa ..."
"Good gravy!"
What else is there to say, really? (Oh, did we mention that Jenny is a cancer survivor?)Congrats, Jenny. Way to go.
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