Happy 2008 everyone!
As some of you may or may not know, I'm a little bit nutty about running. What started out as a fast way to loose some weight has turned into a lifestyle for me. Running is something that I really enjoy and believe in, I call it my illness. Its catching - it sort of turns into a "gotta have it" thing. I might mention that eating whatever you want feeds the illness, too! And now I would like to introduce you to my sickness as well!
I ran the Walt Disney World Marathon exactly one year ago January 6th and it was incredible. I ran the marathon with the help of Team in Training, one of the world's largest endurance sports program that has trained thousands of people just like you and me to run marathons and has raised millions of dollars for leukemia and lymphoma research and patient services in the process. Team in Training is amazing. It was one of the best times I've ever had and it was all for a fantastic cause.http://www.teamintraining.org/

Its time now I gave something back to something I really believe in. I will be Tallahassee's Team in Training coach for the 2008 Rock n' Roll San Diego Marathon on June 1st and I want you to join me! Now, I know, I know. I can hear you now. A marathon? Are you crazy? Just how FAR is that, anyway? It is crazy. Its unthinkable. Its just nutty. Right? Right! I agree with you. That's why you should think about doing this. There are some years that drift by with nothing at all exciting going on. We get to December 31st and we look back and say "Now what just happened? Nothing! Not a darn thing exciting happened to me this year!"
So maybe in 2008 you'll do something fun. Maybe 2008 will be different. You'll do what all the motivation gurus say to do: Set a goal. Work to the goal. Make yourself accountable. Make a lifestyle change and then. . . . MEET THAT GOAL. You'll raise money for a fantastic cause, you'll feel fabulous doing it. You'll go out and get some exercise(breathing hard feels marvelous . . . I promise) and lo' and behold in 6 months you'll line up in San Diego with 16,000 other cheering people and your new friends from Tallahassee and you'll run. You don't have to go fast - a nice easy jog gets it done quite nicely. And when you cross that finish line, I dare you not to have a tear in your eye. You will meet a goal, one that might make you believe in yourself.
I tell people all the time that running a marathon will change your life. That sounds all sappy and melodramatic, but I'm not kidding. It really does - you find out what you have inside you. And what's really cool about doing it with Team in Training is you'll have other people to depend on. And they will depend on you. You'll meet new people, you'll get in shape (did I mention you get to eat pretty much guilt-free?) and you will get to see San Diego - all expenses paid. Everything is taken care of - the travel arrangements are done for you, you get a Team Leader (my friend Erin), a coach (that's me), a training plan, all the encouragement and education you need, new friends, a medal, a really cool purple shirt and hey. . . .maybe you'll get the fever and sign up to do another marathon!
Just one more thing to tempt you. Go to the San Diego Marathon website and click on the video. Its short - turn up your speakers and enjoy. Seriously. . . . it would be really great having you out there with us. http://www.rnrmarathon.com/home.html
Think about it. Think about making a difference for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and making a difference for yourself. And if you have just a second, forward this to anybody you think might be interested.
There are three meetings coming up in Tallahassee where you can learn more. They are as follows:
Thursday, January 17th - 6:30p at Healthsouth
Friday, January 18th - 11:30a at Premier Health & Fitness
Friday, January 18th - 7:00p at Premier Health & Fitness
Friday, January 18th - 11:30a at Premier Health & Fitness
Friday, January 18th - 7:00p at Premier Health & Fitness
Come on out and listen to the speakers - its about an hour. Give me a call if you have questions or want to find out more.
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