Monday, August 11, 2008

Running the week of August 11th

Hey there, runners! Hope everyone had a really great weekend. I know I did. . . I ran in the Tour de Pain and yes, its a tour alright. A tour around all sorts of pain. Pain in your head, your heart and your legs! Whew!!!

So this is what I have planned this week:

Tuesday: Speed work with Chuck at Leon Track - 6 p.m. And I can say with 100% confidence that if you come out and do everything Chuck says to the best of your ability, you WILL get harder, better, faster, stronger as Kanye West says :)

Wednesday: Running at home.

Thursday: Forest Meadows at 6 p.m. The schedule says 4 miles, so if you want to do that you can do the top loop twice, or both loops for 5ish miles.

Sunday: Meet at Killearn Lakes across from Another Broken Egg at 8 a.m. Six easy miles and brunch afterwards for my second 39th birthday celebration!

21 weeks and counting.

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